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Ajide Raises Concern Over Botched NAWOJ Election


The Director General of WE LEAD Campaign Team, Princess Ekwi Ajide has raised concern over the botched election of the executive members of the FCT Chapter of Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ). 

News Rider reported that the election scheduled to hold on Saturday, January 20, was stalled with a peaceful protest from members, over what they described as irregularities in the electoral process. 

It was also gathered that the protest was instigated by visibly angry female journalists, who were informed on the last-minute changes to use the NUJ identity card for accreditation and voting, instead of the identity card of media organisations. 

But Ajide said on Sunday in Abuja that the stalement of the election sparked concerns among members and the wider community. 

She said that though the organisation strives to address the concerns and challenges faced by women journalists, that the deadlock in the election of executive members raised questions about its effectiveness and the ability to navigate internal issues.

"One of the primary concerns voiced by members is the lack of transparency in the decision making process during the election and interference by the national body of the association. 

"They (members) wondered how the national body will call for the use of NUJ ID card on the eve of the election, which has never been used in NAWOJ elections especially in the most recent electon that brought them into power and as a faction of the contenders was already in the know that this was going to be the criteria and prepared ahead of time.

"There were also allegations of closed door discussions and limited access to information, allegations of importation of members from neighbouring states which was a ploy to mislead the national body into doing their bidding to disenfranchise members who were already clamouring for a change," she said. 

Ajide stated that the misguided actions left some members feeling excluded and disheartened, adding that transparency is crucial for any organisation, especially the one advocating for the rights and well being of its members. 

No Transparency 
She lamented that NAWOJ lacked transparency, saying that Article 3 sub section 2a of the NUJ Constitution declared that for any member to qualify for elective position, that person must have at least a diploma in journalism. 

"This section was overlooked and candidates who had no diploma in journalism were cleared for the election even though the opposition filed a petition. This action caused disaffection and made the credentials committee unpopular among members. 

"It was therefore, unimaginable that the same committee that had jettisoned the constitution in the first instance, will want to uphold the constitution by introducing guidelines that had never been implemented in NAWOJ elections even when the highest decision making body of the association –the congress–had agreed on the modalities for election. This again led to an uproar among the women and they resisted," she added. 

Princess Ajide hinted that the congress in compliance to the constitution in Article 5b, sub section 10c, nominated a caretaker committee made up of past administrators of the association as NAWOJ does not have Chapels as stipulated by the constitution. 

This, she lamented was upturned in the middle of the night as another set of caretaker committee was appointed without the knowledge of the congress.

She disclosed that the inability to reach a consensus on key issues is an indication of underlying divisions within the NAWOJ FCT chapter. 

Ajide informed that the internal conflicts not only hindered the organisation's progress but also casted doubt on its ability to effectively represent the interests of women journalists in the chapter.

Call For Unity 
She noted that unity and collaboration are paramount for any association to address the challenges faced by its members and advance their common goals.

"Leadership is not just about making decisions but also about fostering an inclusive environment where diverse voices can be heard and valued. The failure to find common ground suggests a leadership gap that needs urgent attention to steer the organisation in the right direction. 

"Little wonder critics argue that the stalemate highlights a lack of effective leadership within NAWOJ FCT, hence the dire need for change.

She said: "Some members expressed frustration over the organisation's seeming detachment from the pressing issues affecting women journalists in the FCT. While NAWOJ aims to be a strong advocate for gender equality and the rights of female journalists, the recent impasse suggests a disconnection from the grassroots concerns that its members face on a daily basis.

"The stalemate at the NAWOJ FCT election underscores the need for reformation within the organisation and we, at the 'We LEAD Campaign Team' promise to address issues of transparency, foster unity, strengthen leadership, and reconnect with the core concerns of members which are crucial steps to ensuring that NAWOJ FCT remains a robust and effective force in advancing the rights and interests of women journalists in the FCT."

The campaign DG pointed out that NAWOJ  must rise above internal conflicts to truly serve its members and fulfill its vital role in the media landscape by preparing members  to effectively compete with counterparts globally.

"Together, we shall LEAD to bring this to fruition and we urge our supporters to remain calm even in the face of provocation," she concluded. 


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